Wednesday, April 14, 2010

saw the runaways movie felt like a weird old lady seeing it but flashed back pretty good to 15 years old, saw the fugazi doc by jem coen well feel weird being a woman and loving guy picciotto
but wanting to be him for that moment hes so stands out with it all, jem coen+guy picciotto brings me to vic chessnut video 'everything i say' all connected amazing song live in video dont thinkthe runaways are in the connection but loved joan but back then saw patti smith and it was all over for many levels felt so compelled to do a drawing on next blog... i know i know enough patti its just a memory charger

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. I don't know what to say, but it's interesting to hear these thoughts. I always thought Patti was way better too. What a rocker, she was.
